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Moulding Calculator Spreadsheet Program

A free downloadable Excel spreadsheet that calculates the price per foot to charge for mouldings. December 16, 2000

Provided by Justin Laycock of

The Moulding Calculator spreadsheet program, which can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the link at the end of the description, was created by Justin Laycock, and makes pricing moulder work fast and easy. Just enter the requested information in the fields with red type, and you'll have pricing customized to your operation.

Microsoft Excel must be installed on your system in order to run the Moulding Calculator program.

The program, upgraded 11/03, now includes these features:
- Enhanced calculator displays costs for the material, knives, setup labor, etc.
- Additional waste sections for more accurate accounting of material waste.
- Crown mldg type now uses one set of knives like "mldg", but still allows separate setup and run times.

Further descriptions of the information requested are available by "resting" your mouse arrow over the red triangles adjacent to the fields you are interested in; doing so will bring up a boxed explanation about the information required.

Once you've entered the required data on the Setup page, click on the Calculator button at the top of the screen to use the calculator. You may choose the wood species and other options at this time. Use the calculator to get a quick price on a custom run, or click the appropriate button at the top to see pricing tailored to the type of run you're doing: S4S, S4S with profile, "regular" moulding, or crown moulding. These may be printed for future reference.

A more detailed version is in the development stages. For further info, visit

An important note about safe downloading:
After downloading, and before execution, all files should be fully scanned with an up to date anti-virus program. Virus detection and removal software is available at many secure locations on the Web, or can be purchased over the counter. Download software only if you are certain it is safe for your computer system.

WOODWEB makes no claims, and assumes absolutely no liability, for any software listed or downloaded at this site.

To download this program, rightclick on the link below, and choose "Save Target As". To run this program from your browser, left click on the link below.

Download the most recent Moulding Calculator program