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2D drawings are replaced by 3D models?

Prerana kashyap Member


Recently I have heard the news that 2D drawings are replaced by 3D models? but I don't accept, It still plays a prominent role in designing the industrial projects and it has its own reasons for it. 2D is the best option to choose when you are facing tight deadline and designs needed are a single component or a single part as basic geometries are easy to generate using 2D CAD tools.We use only 2D drawings for our projects.

1/31/18       #2: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...


2d drawings will never go away,,we will always need shop drawings, and assembly sheets,,cut lists,,ect,,,2d line work will be here forever

2/1/18       #3: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...


I would think that what you heard is more a question of the creation of models/assemblies in a "3D modeling" environment and not the replacement of "2D drawings".

In a "3D modeling" environment, one can define component thicknesses, etc and all the relationships between the various parts that make up an assembly/model - and even make things "parametric" in some applications.

The production of "2D drawings" (assembly and component views) from these "3D models" will always have a place in many areas of engineering and production. So, "2D drawings" are not history.

2/1/18       #4: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Gary Balcom Member


This may seem like semantics...

What I think will disappear will be 2D Drawings created from scratch, and not derived from a 3D model.

When revision occurs, if the 2D drawings are derived from a 3D model, the integrity of the entire drawing set remains intact. Revisions with 2D only rely on the draftsman to catch all the relationships and update them manually...This will and should go away in my opinion.

2/5/18       #5: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Pat Gilbert Member

Sections are awesome in 3d. Good point Gary.

2/5/18       #6: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...

Doing the original work in 3D parametric makes changes much safer. Revisions for the shop drawings printed in 2D from the 3D model, including the sections are a mouse click away.
Single part drawings are just as easily produced using 3D modeling software as using basic CAD. But if all you do is part drawings that are not inter related to the rest of the project there is no need to use the more expensive 3D modeling software.

2/5/18       #7: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
MarkB Member

And often times now you can have your 2D outputs referenced from the 3D model so when you make a change you make it once in the 3D and then update the reverence model in the 2D shops supplied to the customer. It all gets corrected instantly.

I have utmost respect for those who would have to manually remember to go back and update every elevation and plan veiw, as well as their respective detail and section drawings, manually. I cant even fathom how hard that is/was.

2/21/18       #8: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
NozerBame Member

Not everything needs a 3d view, so no 2d drawings will not be replaced by 3d completely.

3/4/18       #9: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
rich tadrzynski Member

I can only relate to my experience.
When I was 50 years old being a board draftsman all my life my company switched to cadcam, For me, it took a little getting used to. Some engineers in the company felt that we should go with 3d modeling which after a good amount of time we did.
I was at first overwhelmed. You could beat ,e with a 2x4 and I could not understand the concept All the terms were different, I just couldn't understand it, Out of the blue one day everything just clicked, and from that day on, it was 3d modeling and nothing since. To me, it's the easiest simplest way of design. You see and control everything. Not only that. from that you produce your 2d shop drawings. You can check for interference, check tolerances do stress analysis, I use solidworks and I don't think you can beat the system. I now use it for furniture design but the program , leads itself to all types of drawings. Fantastic program, But like festool, very expensive and just the best, Only my opinion,
Rich T

3/4/18       #10: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Pat Gilbert

3d can be a tough sell though. Some companies would prefer to use Auto Cad light... convinced of their "beliefs", i.e. group think...

3/16/18       #11: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Rufus Cooke  Member


This has been the biggest question posed most often by shop owners and project managers. Probably the biggest misunderstanding is that when a commitment is made to switch to "3D", with every job (cabinets, millwork etc.), data libraries are generated for hardware, materials and machining routines (to name a few). I see so many projects with cascades of changes these days and updating 2D plans and elevations is a huge amount of work - and a major source of layout errors.
However, by working in 3D, the draftsman can apply a style similar to that of CabinetVision or CabinetWare where components are "dragged and dropped" and then adjusted to fit. The end result is not just "3D" but cutting list data, isolating parts for CNC and exploded assemblies for the shop floor as well as for the installers. I can only say however that it works if the shop makes a 100% commitment to it - not just for the complex jobs. The efficiency does pick up massively and the errors will be fewer.

3/16/18       #12: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
pat gilbert

Hi Rufus, long time no hear

Do you mean that the model should be modeled from the bottom up?

3/16/18       #13: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Rufus Cooke  Member


Hi Pat,
yes, I guess you could say it would be from the bottom up. I'm doing all sorts of residential jobs in SW and have a palette of basic parts (cabinets, drawers, etc) which I drag into the assemblies and tweak them to fit. The parts are multi-body part files driven by design tables (in Excel), and because they are from a library, the cutting lists are pretty well defined. This limits parametrics more to its core strengths. I find now that I can make changes faster than 2D, have better control and a cutting list to follow. (look forward to catching up with you sometime).

3/16/18       #14: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
pat gilbert

Thanks that is a good way to do it.

I haven't used SW since 2002+, I'm sure the new version would be mind blowing.

Do you get a single spread sheet from the assembly?

What do you use for cnc data?

Is it possible to get csvs out SW?

4/27/18       #15: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Shrikant Guthe


We are working with many clients who still needs the drawings in 2D. other type of drafting or designs i.e. 3D modelling is helpful for the analysis. But when it comes to mapping or drawing layouts or architectural plans, 2D drafting is the best option as it gives better ides about layouts. I work with many clients from land surveying industry and they all want drawings in 2D only. have a look at the all sorts of 2d services opted by clients.

6/8/18       #16: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Donald Caron  Member


There are factors that underlie 2D-3D drafting employment-most of which are centered in business models and project complexities. Unfortunately for the pencil drafters, the day came where they set the pencil down and started CAD or did something else; with the onslaught of automation likewise with CAD-in due time we will be 3D CAM drafters or do something else. Until then, hopefully small business survives!

9/16/19       #17: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Hiral Patel  Member

Today, most of the organizations are looking to transform their 2D drawings to 3D models because there are several advantages it offers. It allows better visualization of the product design and offers excellent workaround while generating rapid prototypes.

But, 2D drawings are still important for industrial product designers, and they have their reasons for it. It is essential to understand every detail about the design because 2D drawings say everything you need to know about the design and manufacturing details.

There isn’t any single CAD system that will address all your design and fabrication needs. So, you can select the features as per your industry needs from >>

9/16/19       #18: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Frank K.  Member

Both of the features (2D drawings and 3D Modeling) have some benefits and drawbacks as well. Depends on your organization or industry needs you can also utilize a hybrid approach.

9/21/21       #19: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
HelenGracia  Member

Even if we have 3D models now, I still think that 2D drawings are important and cannot be replaced. 2D drawings are still useful in today’s fast-paced world as they are easy to use, inexpensive, flexible, have minimum room for errors, etc. I usually prefer using 2D drawings over 3D models when there is a tight deadline for project completion, models don’t require 3D functionality, or the drawings need less space.

6/6/23       #20: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
Acade Reailty

We are also working with many clients who still needs the drawings in 3D. other type of drafting or designs i.e. 3D modelling is helpful for the analysis. But when it comes to mapping or drawing layouts or architectural plans, 2D drafting is the best option as it gives better ides about layouts. I work with many clients from land surveying industry and they all want drawings in 2D only. have a look at the all sorts of 2d services opted by clients.

6/6/23       #21: 2D drawings are replaced by 3D mode ...
video Reailty


2D drawings are still important for industrial product designers, and they have their reasons for it. It is essential to understand every detail about the design because 2D drawings say everything you need to know about the design and manufacturing details.

There isn’t any single CAD system that will address all your design and fabrication needs.

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