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holzher edgebander issue

Emry Member

sorry if i posted in the wrong section am new here,
i have a holzher 1402 and i bought it a few years back working in the old factory ever since it come to my factory it never worked, soon as you switch it on non of the tools light up green and it dont have any error message, i have had alot of tecys come out to have a look and they get confused and dont kno what to do iv check emergancy stop buttons and all the fuse switch anyone had this problem?

5/16/18       #2: holzher edgebander issue ...
Jim Herron

Sounds like you haven't found a competent technician.
Start with the basics.
Power into the machine, adequate air pressure, etc
A competent technician will diagnose by elimination- correct voltage into the machine, main air pressure correct, starting from step one, to the next, to isolate the problem.
Usually something very simple, not complicated or catastrophic.

5/16/18       #3: holzher edgebander issue ...
Bill Member

Emry where are you located?

5/16/18       #4: holzher edgebander issue ...
Emry Member

am based in the U.K. West Yorkshire we checked all power supply and air pressure

5/16/18       #5: holzher edgebander issue ...
Jim Herron

Unbolt and check the switch that the second end trim pushes up when it is in the up position.
It can sometimes it can get sawdust in it, and the machine will think the end trimmer is still down.
Mark the position of the arm on the shaft, after removing the 7mm screw, and BEFORE pulling the arm with the roller off the shaft.
You may be able to rotate it 1 or two notches and reinstall it.
Also check for dust packed in the plunger assembly, BE CAREFUL, there is a spring inside, just so it doesn't fly out when you remove the 4 screws.
Can you get the drag chain to start by pushing in the contactor, with air and electric applied?
PM me and I'll text you a picture of the switch.

5/16/18       #6: holzher edgebander issue ...
Emry Member

thank you jim i have pm’d you

5/24/18       #7: holzher edgebander issue ...
Lee Johnson

You say that you get no error messages? Does it have a PLC? I've worked exclusively on HH edgebanders here in USA for 35 years and have never seen a 1402 with a PLC. I've seen a very few 1435's with PLC's but never a 1402. If you send me a picture of your control panel I believe I can walk you through this at N/C. Also, do you have schematics for this machine. If so, send me the 7 digit number in the lower left hand corner on the front page of the electrical manual so I can match it up with one I may have. my email is

5/25/18       #8: holzher edgebander issue ...
Lee Johnson  Member


the switch above the second end trim saw will not preclude the machine from starting up. it is a safety interlock that shuts the machine down if the rear saw has not traveled to its up position before the panel reaches it. until it gets a signal from the machine that the plc is running then the saw will be in its home position, i.e., down.

the only two fuses that will cause the plc being without lights are the F1 and F2 fuses. do not attempt to test these in the machine because you can get back-feed and that will make the fuse appear good.

another thing i would check is to see if you are actually getting 24 vdc from the transformer. you can test this directly at the transformer G1(the side with the blue wires). if not then check to see that you are getting AC voltage into the input side of the transformer (the side with the 3 black wires. check L1 to L2, L1 to L3 and L2 to L3.) there should be at least 208 vac at these points. if there is no voltage here than in all likelihood there is no power coming from the GRM Q4 overload. push the "I" button on the front of it to reset it.

by the way, have you checked to see if the voltage that the machine is rated for is the same as the voltage at your shop? look at the paper placard inside the electrical panel door for this info for that particular machine. do this first before any of the above. i do not know what voltage you use in merry ol' England but the input has to match the machine requirements. woe be you if you attached 380/400/480 volts three phase to a 230 volt three phase machine!

11/12/18       #9: holzher edgebander issue ...
Roger Member

Hello Guys,
My name is Roger and I'am new to the site. I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I'am having with my older Holzher edge banding 1402 machine. This machine ran great for a few years since I received it and now its causing me a problem that is driving me crazy. When I start to feed the boards into the machine, the board makes it to about the fourth micro switch before shutting down. I also played with the tape feed pneumatic valves a little before this started happening but I don't think this is the problem. If anyone can lead me towards the culprit I would appreciate it.

12/20/19       #10: holzher edgebander issue ...
Edmond Member

Hi, I have a Genesis 1402 HF here on Long Island of New York.
It was reliably working for years until recently.
The machine and chain turn on and warm up, but the second section of the machine does not turn on.
I have tried to find a mechanic in my area at no avail.
Any suggestions?

12/20/19       #11: holzher edgebander issue ...
Bill Member

Gordon Pettit, Holzher Specialist.
He travels the country
(814) 432-3011

7/31/20       #12: holzher edgebander issue ...
David Clifford

hi guys i am looking for all the motor plate details on an "ELITE" saw motor that is on a Holz-her 1435 MF C PVC Quick edgebander (its a single end saw machine)
can somebody who has one of these 1435s please advise me as i need the geared motor.
please email me direct and thank you to whom ever can help
kind regards Dave

10/7/21       #13: holzher edgebander issue ...
Steve Logan Member

I have an uno 1304 that has been working real good until today. No green buttons lit and machine will not turn on. Any suggestions?

2/25/22       #14: holzher edgebander issue ...

I am an electrical technician trying to troubleshoot abholzher sprint 1315 3 . 4755 , stopped running after a power cut .On the monitor it showing 'please check bootlog'.I be checked all the fuses -they are okey , control voltage is 24 vdc-its okey .The machines switches on , but when I press the start button the message on the monitor says please check bootlog

3/5/22       #16: holzher edgebander issue ...

Hi ,I've a uno 1302 bander here that I cannot get to turn on.i thought it might be a safety switch and had an electrician check it out this morning and said all was fine.
Air pressure, power and fuses are a ok.
I'm wondering if anyone has had an issue with this ? The only thing I can see from the monitor is that the regulator circuit of heater is not indicator is not lit up red so I assume this indicates a fault.
Could it just be some glue gone hard on it to stop the sensor or is it a major thing to fix.
Any information would be greatly appreciated, I'm based in Ireland..

10/16/22       #19: holzher edgebander issue ...
Sean Kovacs  Member


Call Felix Ney at Fen UK hes north of Birmingham in Derby, his son Oliver is a good tech.

8/4/23       #20: holzher edgebander issue ...

Hi, recently purchased a 1492 HF bander, the cut of knife stopped cutting the banding. We have plenty of air pressure, not sure why it stopped. Any ideas or help appreciated. Also the air lines connecting to the knife unit and back to the main air intake have become brittle and need replacing. Ideas on how to replace these fitted lines?

8/4/23       #21: holzher edgebander issue ...
Jim Herron

Likely needs guillotine seals inside the cylinder
Just did that

5/28/24       #24: holzher edgebander issue ...
Hein Snyman

Good day I Have a Holzer Sprint 1315 edgebander that give me a F1 Chainfeed error that I cant get away to start the machine. The contactor does not pull in and I have replaced it. Volts 24 and still no joy

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