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Appliance installation callbacks policy



I am constantly getting called back to jobs at the URGENT stage wen the builder is getting it ready for handover. The problem is when the appliances get installed they call me and tell me the electrician tried to install them but they don't fit in the opening. Then I go there, pack out under the oven, adjust the integrated dishwasher front and would you believe it, everything fits and aligns correctly.

I'm creating a policy on how we deal with this.

My thought are

1. Write clearly on the invoice that callouts to adjust, repair and refit are $xx amount.
2. Create a standard sign that gets taped to every particular appliance, e.g an under bench oven would have a strip of packers screwed to the side of the cabinet and simple instructions showing how it is fitted.
3. Create a few standard checks for my guys that get signed off at assembly and install to make sure we are in the right.

Anyone dealt with this before?


11/25/16       #2: Appliance installation callbacks po ...

Good waste of effort and pack out material.
I've fought and lost this battle for years.
Instructions get used for scribble pads, pack out material for stir sticks.
Builder will remain clueless.
Electricians can barely get the appliances out of the boxes, much less line them up correctly in the openings.
I haven't even seen a "professional appliance installer" do much better.....usually winds up being some old played out electrician that's too old to pull wire anymore.
Let us know if you find a fix...

11/25/16       #3: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
jonathan mahnken

Happens to me all the time. I get the emergency call that "the appliances dont fit". I get there only to find a half done half ass job by the appliance installers or builders/owners. I adjust the appliances use a little elbow grease if needed and go home. i havent quite figured out how to preemptively address this situation.

11/25/16       #4: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
David Buchsbaum Member

Website: http://www.atlantacloset.com/

Seems to me there might be an upsell opportunity there. Let the customer know beforehand that this situation is likely to occur, and that you have included an extra trip to take care of any final adjustments once the utilities have been connected. Then include the cost in your price. Maybe even offer a small discount if the trip is not needed - perhaps that will at least encourage them to make an effort

11/26/16       #5: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
Hen Bob Member

I fight this battle quite often as well.. I have just added a few labor hours on the Install price ( the client doesn't see it as a line item) so I'm not stressing about losing money on the trip back to the job. I don't see this being a battle that can be won..

11/26/16       #6: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
Leo G

I have it in my contract that I'm not responsible for appliance installation. And all the paperwork for dimensions is followed exactly. I'll bring the paperwork and remeasure the opening, if it matches that's all I am responsible for. If you want me to install it, it'll be $xx/hour.

11/26/16       #7: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
Leland Thomasset  Member

Website: http://www.cnc-cabinetparts.com

I have added it to my contract as well that we are not responsible for appliance installation. The appliance packages today can be 50K++ and the appliances are all very advanced and computerized. We are cabinet makers and very good ones. We do not build and design appliances. What we have started to do is find certified appliance installers that know how and do an excellent job installing these high tech babies. We offer this as a value added service and mark up the price to actually profit on the deal and heck why should we not make money helping our customers get what they want. Another plus is a lot of these companies can extend the warranties by a year if you use there services. It is a win win. You are all in business to make money doing what you do best and I would think it may not include install high tech appliances.

Taghkanic Woodworking

11/28/16       #8: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
Tom C

Long ago I used to fight that Battle. Now I profit from it.
What you have to do is make the Distinction of Install Versus Product Placement.

I work closely with a local appliance store that I send 90% of my customers to.
All these Hi-End appliances are price Colluded. There are No significant discounts ....
They are very good at working with the builders & my self and they understand the importance of the service.
I do not receive any compensation other than that we refer each other. ( My own house was cost)
If they left the 48"Sub -Zero or Wolf range in the Garage, they know they will be back to put it in front of the Cabinet opening !

I do no Plumbing or Electric hook-ups.

Placement is getting the correct specs.
It has been the rare occasion that we have not been able to figure Specs out.
Most Important-Model # from the Appliance Dealer Invoice only !!
If it changes after plan Sign-offs,Change order fee $$ !
The Builder & or Homeowner are C/C in on all of this.
A Dropbox file is created as we gather the specs,also to making sure other trades have the specs for Plumbing & Electric.

Placement is drilling for supply lines and
leveling,securing the Appliance in it's opening.

A Chimney Hood Placement states that the ductwork shall be in the room for our connection. We do no exterior work- No siding or roofing.
A Dishwasher placement,$$.
A DW with Panels is,$$$...
A Fisher Paykel is $$$
A U-line ref is $$$ and it states that they Never line up flush with surrounding cabinetry!.
A 48" Range is $$$....

All these are separate invoice Line Items in QB that are part of our contract. Got about 2 dozen SKU's in QB under Appliance Placement. Makes for quick pricing.
These charges are explained that Pro appliances require Pro Placement and are separate from the cabinet install charges.
The attached pic of a commercial job,the appliance placement cost more the the cabinet install !

View higher quality, full size image (3200 X 1801)

11/29/16       #9: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
Hen Bob Member

Tom C,

Thanks for your insight on this, we too work with the high end appliance store in our area. Most of the installers are pretty good but the calls still come in. I think it makes more sense to go your route for the jobs that require it.

We also require a appliance list from client/dealer at time of deposit to start the job...

12/13/16       #10: Appliance installation callbacks po ...

Glad to know we are not the only ones who have struggled with this.

Over time we have developed the following system:
- Before we begin project we need to know all appliance specs and who will be installing them.
- We also offer to perform the installation for an hourly rate. Not included in price.

I think the client/contractor is more likely to have figured out who is responsible for this by the time of the installation and less likely to be bothered when appliances need to be installed. And if so, no worries, we can do it by the hour.

12/25/16       #11: Appliance installation callbacks po ...

I'm with Leo G and Leland- there's just too much out of my control re electrical, plumbing, HVAC and not to mention the liability of scratching it or being the last trade to handle the appliance.
If I can't trim it with a block plane, I don't install it

1/1/17       #12: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
Gene Wengert-Wood Doc

In my experiences, appliance installation is not part of the price for new or remodeling. However, it can be included for a replacement unit, say like a dishwasher. The box stores might include free delivery, but do not install. They use a third party, although I have seen Sears do installation with their own people and with a third party.

At our own new house, the dishwasher did not fit well and did not work well, so the builder came out and took a quick look and found that the shipping legs had not been removed on the rear and someone left a McD lunch bad back there too. More... Our gas range top also uses propane which requires the noodles to be changed from natural gas ones that are supplied. But, the appliance store changed them before delivery, then delivered, and then the installer changed them again back to natural gas, not knowing that they had been changed already. When the appliance people finally came out, they found the problem right away...I do not know who paid for the service call.

5/11/21       #13: Appliance installation callbacks po ...
Ethan Brad Member

Website: http://bayareaapplianceinstallation.com

Most installers are good, but you can still receive calls. I think it makes more sense to follow your own path to work that requires it.

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