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Will a Nested CNC Eliminate the Need for a Slider?

Most cabinetmakers agree that a shop with a CNC still needs a table saw sometimes. December 11, 2012

I was talking to my salesman the other day about a CNC mahine and the issue about space came up. I currently have a sliding table saw that I do all of my cuts on. He recommended that I get rid of my slider and get a nested CNC because I won't need the slider anymore. If I keep both it will be doable but tight. If I get rid of the slider I would be in good shape as far as space is concerned. What are your opinions?

1. Get rid of the slider and get the CNC?

2. Get the CNC and keep the slider?

3. Keep the slider and forget the CNC?

I do all residential cabinets - mostly kitchens and built-ins.I currently only do face frame cabinets, but would consider frameless if I got a CNC. I am a one-two man shop.

Forum Responses
(CNC Forum)
From contributor W:
Dump the slider and don't look back. For the most part your shapers and routers will become obsolete.

From contributor A:
If you could, keep the slider along with the CNC. You will find that there are many things that you need to cut any you will be glad you have your sliding table saw.

From contributor P:
I would have to agree with Contributor A. When we bought our CNC I thought we could get rid of our saw, but we use it constantly.

From contributor S:
A CNC router is not a saw. Keep your saw. If you don't have space for it, then you have bigger worries. When you have space for a slider and a CNC router, then perhaps you're ready for it.

From contributor H:
I say this again and again: A CNC can do almost anything but it doesn't do everything best. Keep the saw. If you don't there will be many times down the road when you will wish you had kept it. A 5x10 CNC is the generally recommended size to get. If space is a serious issue I think I would opt to keep the slider and get a smaller 4x8 CNC. I think the need for the saw would be greater than the need for the extra capacity on the CNC.

From contributor J:
Another vote for keeping the slider - if you can afford the room. Odd miters, quick parts, thin rips, cutting down an already built cabinet, the list goes on. I can think of more reasons to keep than to ditch.

From contributor M:
You won't need the slider so much after getting a router, but you will still need it. Rearrange the shop, move the office to the parking lot, whatever. You will still want the slider.

From contributor F:
What about getting a Sawstop or a different non-sliding saw along with the CNC? They require a hell of a lot less dedicated space. You need a table saw, but many survive without sliders.

From contributor D:
I recently converted from beam saw and ptp to nested base. It depends how integrated you are with your software and what you are making. We use cabinet vision and everything is nested. We have no need for a big saw and sold it within a couple of weeks. We have a table saw that we use every now and then.

From contributor S:
A slider is still every bit as important for cutting solid wood. You will still need to cut and square panels from time to time. The difference is that the table saw will no longer be a focal point for panel processing. This saves a ton of space if you’re working in a small space.

From contributor Y:
When we got the CNC we sold one of our sliders to make room. With the increased work volume and the type of custom work we do we are considering getting a 5' slider again. The 10' is often log jammed with guys breaking out laminate, cutting trim, and doing solid wood work. Keep the saw or go to a 5' slider.