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Water-resistant Adhesives for Exterior Millwork

Choosing the right adhesive is really a matter of how much water resistance is required. 1998

Q. I'm looking for water-resistant adhesive for exterior millwork such as doors and window sash. Are there any single component, off the shelf adhesives available?

A. There are single component adhesives available that offer varying degrees of water resistance. It's really a matter of how much water resistance is required.

Many manufacturers are looking for what's called a Type 1 bond. This bond meets certain specifications set forth by industry groups. Unfortunately, the Type 1 specification is intended for hardwood plywood and does not translate well to other areas of the wood products industry.

It is difficult to achieve a Type 1 bond with most, if not all, single component adhesives in a cold press situation.

Often, a true Type 1 bond is not necessary. There are a number of one part adhesives that offer varying degrees of Type 2 water resistance. Among these are pre-catalyzed cross link adhesives such as Custom Bond's MPA II or Franklin's Titelbond II.

Another alternative is the new reactive polyurethane technology. There are a number of commercially available PURs that offer a high degree of water resistance. For information on specific applications and/or requirements feel free to contact me at 800-454-4583, or send me an email message at the address below.

Jeff Pitcher is Marketing Director for Custom-Pak Adhesives in Newark, Ohio.