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Tuning an Edgebander

Advice on dialing in the variables of an edgebander's operation, one step at a time. October 19, 2014

Question (WOODWEB Member) :
We have a Brandt KDH 530 C Edgebander and I am trying to find information on how to dial it in. The manual mentions something called pre-tracing on the trimmer unit but can't seem to find any information pertaining to this. Also, the main problem we seem to be having is the trailing edge end trimmer is leaving too much material. I recently changed the knives and blades on the machines and in the process cleaned the guides. The manual does mention something about readjusting the line position. How can I go about correcting this? Any information is greatly appreciated.

(CNC Forum)
From contributor A:
It sounds like you need to adjust the relationship of the guide shoe to the endsaw. I assume your trailing end endsaw drops down on the panel at some point riding on a rubber wheel on the end of the guide bar and then falls off the back of the panel? There should be a locking handle and a fine adjust wheel that is used to move the endsaw in or out from the guide bar. The key here is did this problem start when you changed the endsaw blades and how much is the too much that it is leaving?

From the original questioner:
I adjusted it and that fixed the problem. I do still have the question about the pre-tracing adjustments (distance and pressure) on the trimming unit. What are these for and how often are they to be adjusted?

From the original questioner:
I am also trying to figure out the pressure zone. I know how to adjust the pre-pressure and post-pressure but I do not know to what extent a turn will add or subtract pressure. The manual just says trial and error and I was wondering if anyone had figured this out yet.

From contributor L:
Many things on a bander turn out to be experience. Tackle one problem at a time. Get a roll of clear banding from your supplier, they usually give it away free. It will allow you to see the glue spread. Use an infrared temperature meter (cost less than $100) to check pot and application roller temperatures. Most units will have an adjustment for float. This allows for some variations in the material. Onemm is enough for vertical tracing units, you may want to have 2mm on horizontal. You will want to adjust the end trims horizontal tracers to just barely cut through the banding. Here the float may need to be a bit more, 2mm? The corner rounding units also need to have the horizontal float set slightly more. The pressure unit air pressure gages should be set to the value in the manual. You will want to adjust the timing of the pressure rollers so they don't push on the banding after the panel has passed. Otherwise the lever action of the roller will pry the banding away from the hot adhesive.

Don't set too much float as it will cause a bounce, poor trimming! Generally don't use more pressure than required, trial and error. Never adjust more than one thing before running a trial pc. If you can't figure out where a problem is occurring, stop the feed after the first station, open the beam, check for problem, next time one more station etc. That allows you to narrow the problem to the station causing it. Banders are just a string of simple stations strung along a feed system. Spend an afternoon figuring out what all of the adjustments do, running trials etc. Well worth the time.

From the original questioner:
Much appreciated! I am taking over as facilities coordinator and I am trying to implement a lifetime of knowledge in my barely a year experience haha. I will be asking millions of more questions and I hope that everyone is as generous in their response as you are!