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Tree identification guide

Recommended resources for identifying the trees in your region. February 28, 2001

Can anyone recommend a tree identification guide?

Forum Responses
The Oklahoma Forestry Services sells a book called 'Forest Trees of Oklahoma.' Most states with a forestry program have a guidebook to trees, which discusses native and introduced species. These books are good because they only include trees which grow in your region.

I carry two or three books to help me identify trees--no one book seems to cover it all. Bruce Hoadley's book on identifying wood is invaluable, too.

Try the National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees: Eastern Region or Western Region. This is an excellent field guide. It includes photos of bark and leaves, seed and fruit. It tells range, habitat, etc.

A good one is Trees in Canada by John Laird Farrar--it has pictures of the trunks and describes the bark. Good for the northern US, too.