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Tooling for MDF Doors on CNC

Getting set up to profile one-piece raised-panel MDF doors on a CNC shouldn't break the bank. December 11, 2012

I have had a Biesse flat table for 5 years, and have run nothing but cabinet parts from Cabvision. Have never really had a need to use it for anything else. We make a couple kitchens a month and either use a slab MDF door, buy out 5 piece doors, or occasionally make the 5 piece doors in-house.

A new customer is requesting a one piece MDF door. I think it is foolish to buy these doors when I have my machine sitting idle for 30 hours a week. What is the easiest way for me to get set up to make these?

My tooling (saw blade) guy says that I need approximately $3500 in tooling to do this. Can that be right? And how about programming? I have CV and Biesse Works.

Forum Responses
(CNC Forum)
From contributor M:
I make a door very similar to that and it only takes 3 bits:
3/8 compression to clean out center (1/4" deep hatch fill) and perimeter cut with the same bit
1/8 compression female route to clean edges of inside
v groove bit to do engrave detail

I use Enroute for this, but would assume Biesse Works would do the same. You should have a 3/8 bit, so the other 2 might cost you $30 + collets.

From contributor A:
You are right, it is insanity to buy out these doors when you can make them easily. If you do volume, buying a 1200 dollar tool set may be worth it, but unless you have constraints on your machine time, you can make any profile door with just one bit, a 1/8 ball mill. Follow up in the corners if you like with a 1/16 ball mill if you want to get crazy. Cheap and versatile, CV can output the code (I think).

Fabricating MDF Doors on the CNC

From contributor L:
You can do this with CV. You will need to create a tool set and a door to use this set. This used to be done with the MDF door maker. This is now a standard part of CV. Look this up in the help files.

From contributor G:
Geez… $3500.00. Does it come with a seven day cruise? There are complete door sets with four cutters for less than $1000. Ghudo, Royce Ayr, Vortex and many others.

From contributor W:
For what you want to do, LRH will work just fine. Call Ballew Saw & Tool in Sprigfield, MO and they can get you set up. I run them on a Biesse Rover as well. You can design a door in Biesse Works. Then all you need to change is the width and height for each door. Then once you're done, nest the sheet and you're ready to go cut.