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Thermwood 53-510 Buying Advice, Retrofit ?


From original questioner:

I appreciate if any of you know knowladge of Thermwood 53-510 CNC Router 1995. I want to purchase.

I have two option,

option 1 : buy cheap new cnc
option 2 : buy old and figure out the software problems or find the one that easily can be retrofitted with low cost.

I am fully automated shop screen to machine, currently i am using pod and rail dowel construction , I am looking to add nested base station to do blind dado construction. i want to cut plywood and make box , cabinets , closet systems.

Softwares i use outputs latest versions of dxf formats, for any modern times cnc. I was thinking to batch import dxf to V carve pro then output post to thermwood 1995 ? but i can't find that they have post processor that old .

I know thermwood is great machines, but i don't know this old machine software is works with current technology , even it works will I going to do so much editing on the posts tool paths ?

I am more as technician than being a woodworker , I have knowledge with software technology and european CNC machines, The other reason i interested in this machine is has hold down roller and its USA made, I may get the parts much easier and cheaper than foreign ones. I was thinking to retrofit the computer part with the servo drivers. Is anybody did that is it possible How much it can cost me ? around ?

Thanks for your time

From contributor Bo

I don't believe it possible to do what you want with the '95 controller so you'd have to swap it out and most of the electronics. Thermwood can do the retrofit but it may not be as cheap as you would like. If you're a technician I'd look at replacing the controller if you can get the machine dirt cheep and it is still mechanically sound. You'll prob. spend about 20k when all is said and done, that's my estimate anyhow.

From contributor ka

look at chines machine
all component are from europe
the servo japan
the controler Osai fro Italy
there are several very big and nice factories
in china
if you want call me i can give you names
many "usa made" machine are made in that china factory that we present in Israel

From contributor Mi

Katz, I can promise you that the thermwood is not made in China..I seen my machine being built and I never been to China..