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Strip clearcutting to regenerate northern hardwoods.

Describes results of strip clearcutting trials in mature northern hardwood and hemlock-hardwood stands in the Lake States. Two strip width and orientations were tested, with and without herbicide treatment of the advance regeneration. Establishment, growth, and species composition of the regeneration were assessed. 1980
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Strip clearcutting to regenerate northern hardwoods.   (1980)

Describes results of strip clearcutting trials in mature northern hardwood and hemlock-hardwood stands in the Lake States. Two strip width and orientations were tested, with and without herbicide treatment of the advance regeneration. Establishment, growth, and species composition of the regeneration were assessed.

"Clearcutting has been the least successful method of regenerating northern hardwoods to date. Yet, a workable method of clearcutting could alleviate teh problem of sugar maple and beech dominating..."

Author: Metzger, Frederick T.

Source: Research Paper NC-186. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station

Citation: Metzger, Frederick T.  1980.  Strip clearcutting to regenerate northern hardwoods.   Research Paper NC-186. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station.