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Specialty Scribing Tools

Cabinetmakers and installers consider the value of specialized jigs for scribing cabinets to fit tight spaces.September 25, 2014

Is anyone using the QuickScribe tool? I met the inventor today by complete random chance. I've seen the tool in performance a few years back at the AWFS in Vegas but was too overwhelmed with all the eye candy and forgot about it. It looks like a timesaver. Is anyone actually using one?

Forum Responses
(Cabinetmaking Forum)
From Contributor J:
I purchased one several years ago for scribing counter top to wall. It works well. I only used it once and then subbed out the installs. I believe I purchased the kit with case, PC router and scribe.

From contributor D:
I haven't used one, but using it for cabinet scribes looks overly complicated. Below is QuickScribe's EuroScriber.

Click here for higher quality, full size image

From contributor B:
I bought one several year back for a job to install eight or ten laminate window "sills" into drywalled openings - scribed on three sides. It worked well for that, but I've only used it a few times since. For typical cabinet scribing it seems easier just to do it the old fashioned way.

From contributor G:
To contributor D: We used to do something similar when scribing to the ceiling, using splines. That looks like a good way to go for holding the scribe piece. I'm not sure about the router idea as there would be situations that would not work.

From contributor D:
To contributor G: I agree, it could be an improvement over the spline method - both the holding and 1" offset aspects. Coming up with a way to easily/efficiently machine the scribe and mounting strips (what motivated my initial post) could make it viable. It appears to be limited to scribes that are flush to, or back from, the box face. Doing proud scribes, (flush to the door/drawer faces), would seem impractical at best (mount mounting strip after scribing), and it cannot do overlay or bottom/wall return scribes.

From contributor G:
The proud method would not require the device pictured. The mounting piece would be moved forward. The more I think about this that is too much time spent on this chore. If it is a proud scribe then you have to edge the scribe piece and you have to put in two dados and a tongue in the mounting piece. For the other you just need one dado in the scribe piece to position the scribe piece with a spline. Then scribe it and screw it on from the inside of the cabinet. Most guys don't appear to bother with scribing these days. They just use a portable table saw and make it parallel to the narrowest point of the opening. Otherwise I think just cutting the one dado in the back of the scribe is the way to go.

From Contributor H:
It looked like something I'd like to try out. For sure scribing to the wall is a pain.

From contributor G:
I wonder if we aren't over-thinking this problem? We used to install cabinets with loose stiles all the time. We would just hold the stile on the two rails and at the wall at the narrowest point with the scribe set to take off of the stile to fit between the wall and the rails. Then just make a tick mark with the scribe on the rails to know where to hold the stile parallel to the two rail ends. It was never a problem - I'm thinking we are over-thinking this chore?