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Sizing Up Dehumidifier Kilns

Thoughts on the objective characteristics to consider when evaluating which dehumidifier kiln is right for you. April 11, 2008

I would greatly appreciate information about the quality of operation offered by EBAC HD kilns, especially L800 and L3000 and how they might compare to the small Nyle HD kilns.

Forum Responses
(Sawing and Drying Forum)
From Professor Gene Wengert, forum technical advisor:
If you compare any DH kilns, the first step is to compare equal horsepower compressors. Then check the horsepower on the fans. Then check for the coating on the coils, if any. Make sure that the mechanical equipment can be serviced by local refrigeration people. Then check the control system - operation, sophistication, service, instruction, etc. Then check the availability of spare or replacement parts. You might also check on whether the company can offer technical wood drying assistance; they probably can all offer mechanical equipment assistance.

If you still are not certain which is best, contact someone who is drying the same species and thickness as you will be drying, with the same equipment that you feel you might purchase. Get specific information, rather than just general. You might have more success in learning how to dry if you get the same equipment as others in your immediate area. They can share and teach you. Generally, you get what you pay for, so do not include price as an important factor in your analysis. Attend a kiln drying school, such as the one offered at the NHLA next week, especially one that includes DH operational information.

From contributor A:
I had an EBAC 3000 about 17 years ago and have a Nyle 200 now. They have probably made changes in the EBAC since I owned one but the one I had did a good job. I have had the Nyle for 2 years now and it works well too. Nyle has very good customer service if you have questions or problems. EBAC was pretty bad in that area when I had mine, although a friend of mine bought a used MF4 about a year ago and said they were pretty good helping him getting it up and running.

Following up on what Gene said, the EBAC had a 3/4 hp compressor and they rated it as a 3000 bf dryer (this might be different on their new ones). The Nyle has a 2 hp compressor that they rate as a 4000 bf dryer. For some reason EBAC will not list the hp of their compressors in their brochures, manuals, etc. You have to call and ask. Each hp on any compressor is going to take "x" amount of water out of the air in "x" amount of time no matter how many bf they claim it will dry. I went with the Nyle this time because in my opinion EBAC is overrating their dryers. I dry mostly White Ash. In the Nyle 200 I put in about 3000 to 3300 bf. Any more and the lumber doesn't dry fast enough and sticker stain will increase. In the EBAC 3000 I would only be able to put about 1200 bf to dry it fast enough. Both brands come with 2 circulation fans standard. They are 1/4 hp, 16" with Nyle. I think that is what the EBAC came with also. I dry a lot of white woods (mostly ash, some maple and poplar), so I have 5 fans of that size to get good airflow. To sum it up, I think both work fine. The Nyle 200 is just a much bigger dryer than the EBAC 3000.