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Shop-Built Solutions for CNC Vacuum Hose Suspension

Here's a handful of tips for supporting the vacuum hose on a CNC router to keep the hose out of the way, but free to move. November 25, 2005

We are having a hard time figuring out a way to keep our vacuum hose from getting in the way of the machine. We've tried rope, bungee cords, both, with no success. We have a Schmaltz material handler that has a great track and cable system that keeps the hose out of the way. Is there a company that makes suspension for 12" hoses? Anything you have done that works well? I need some input after my saw aggregate was pulled from the carousel by it.

Forum Responses
(CNC Forum)
From contributor D:
Try making a saddle to support the hose. A 5 gallon water cooler jug, the type with the handle on the side, works great. For suspension, I'd use several lengths of surgical tubing. It's very flexible stuff, stands up well to stretching and contracting.

From contributor B:
This worked for me and may for you, depending upon your layout. I took a length of 1/2" electrical conduit and supported it on center over the machine traveling along the long axis. Mine is spaced an inch or two below the ceiling. It is supported at either end, leaving a long center open section. Before mounting the pipe, I slid a 3/4" PVC coupling onto it. Next, I wrapped a cable tie with an open clip ring on one end securely around the coupling. The coupling can now run back and forth the full length of the conduit, and has a ring on it to hook a connector that is attached to the dust hose on the CNC. Careful placing of the connector on the dust hose made for a successful sliding hose setup.

From contributor F:
A "ball end" on the outlet of the machine as well as on the pipe will allow for a shorter flexible connection, i.e. hose. Another solution that I have seen many times is using wire rope and a pulley with a strain relief spring, otherwise known as a "dog run," available for about 12 bucks at most hardware stores. Keeps the hose snug but allows extremes of the machine to be reached.