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Rubbing To Dull Sheen


From original questioner:

I have sprayed a nice veneered library top with Crystal; it has not been lying down very nice. I sand between coats each time and still it does not seem to flow out well. I may have a temperature issue in my shop. But I cannot do much about warming up 18,000.00 square feet.

My client would like the top rubbed out, I like the look of that as well. I have always rubbed to a higher sheen never to a dull type look. I sprayed the table with dull. What is the easiest/fastest way to get a nice dull rubbed effect?? No pumice or anything like that I am a modern finish type guy. The table has plenty of Lacquer on it.

What would be best to sand it with, what sheen etc. please keep the process as simple as possible I have (4) of these tops to rub out and the project has not been kind to me. I need to get these tops rubbed out this weekend so I can deliver and get paid. Not tops on Monday not money please help me to get this right.

Thanks in advance

From contributor Ro

I use Mirka Abralon discs on a 3/32 ro sander using water as a lubricant. Start with 2000, if not satin enough try 1000.

From contributor Ji

Robert is right, make sure surface is clean any dirt will leave scrathches. I would start abralon 1000 then 2000 if to flat. I use 6 inch pads and soapy water for lubricant and a squeegee to remove the slurry.

From contributor Se

I've used the 1000/2000 (and higher) abralon discs with soapy water sprayed on the substrate and they worked great. From my experience a fine scotch pad is pretty good on edges/rounds etc but you can easily end up with a shine if you over do it.

From contributor Se

I've used the 1000/2000 (and higher) abralon discs with soapy water sprayed on the substrate and they worked great. An orbital disc sander and sanding (not polishing speed) is the winner for me. From my experience a fine scotch pad is pretty good on edges/rounds etc but you can easily end up with a shine if you over do it.

From contributor se

so how did it go - did you get rubbed out and payed ok?! :-)

From contributor Jo

Yes got paid thanks for help.

Abralon is very nice product I believe it can be used for a bunch of different looks

Thanks again