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Resharpening Lennox blades

Yes, it's possible to re-sharpen blades for the Lennox mill. March 25, 2000

I am using Lennox bi-metal blades on a three-head Baker resaw. After treating these expensive blades as disposables for the past two years, I just learned that Lennox advertises these blades as re-sharpenable.

Has anyone had success with re-sharpened Lennox bi-metal blades?

I have used two-inch bi-metal on my Woodland, and have had excellent results resharpening them. Most I have resharpened at least 10 times. I have a friend that runs Lennox Woodmaster C bands on his Woodmizer with similar results.

We've been running the Lennox Woodmaster blade on our two-head Brewer resaw in lieu of Simons Red Streak blades for about a month.

We re-sharpen our own blades. Our only problem was saw breakage if run too long, but reducing run time solved that problem. The blades run better than Simons.