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Pricing a Yard Tree Log

Swapping firewood for a sawlog straight up is a fair deal. April 18, 2010

I have access to a black walnut log here in southeast Nebraska. It is about 20" in diameter and 12' long. I am trying to buy it before the guy turns it into firewood, but have no idea what it would be worth in raw log form. According to the Doyle log volume calculator it is about 192 bf.

Forum Responses
(Sawing and Drying Forum)
From contributor A:
If it is a yard tree or just a fair log, I would pay $0.80 bdft for it. Just a few months ago I turned down good walnut logs for $500 mbdft ($0.50 bdft). Just did not need any. So a fair price for me would be $153.60 for the log delivered to the mill yard. If you fetch it then they came out pretty well.

Now if the log has no flaws and is not a yard tree full of metal, it could fetch up to $573 for a veneer buyer, but you would have to haul it to them, and it would have to be a very good, sound log.

From contributor S:
If he is going to cut it up for firewood, offer him the value in firewood prices. Why pay more than that? It will save him some work. Unless you are hell bent on owning that log.

From the original questioner:
Thanks for the responses! I am going to make him an offer of $75 for the log and see what he says. He already told me he doesn't like to burn it, so maybe he'll take the offer.

From contributor C:
I don't pay more than $0.25 bdft for single logs, and definitely not for a yard tree.

From contributor U:
I agree with contributor S. Trading firewood is a great way to save those logs. The firewood does not have to be split. Seasoned logs are usually not as good for sawing and better for fuel.