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Pressure Pot Set Up


From original questioner:

I am looking to get into a on site water bourne paint system. I am set up now with a Makita 2.5 hp 4.2 gallon 4.2cfm compressor mounted on a cart to run my Kremlin 10-14 pump. I use this set up to spray Clawlock and Krystol with great results. I can feel the water base pressure coming and want to get on board. Can i just switch to water bourne with my set up? Been reading trouble with micro bubbles with the kremlin and water bourne. Some have stated they get better results with a pressure pot with water bourne. My Makita keeps up not to bad with the kremlin but would it have enough umhp to feed a pressure pot?

From contributor ni

For any kind of real production your compressor is too small. There are a few guns on the market that are advertised to work with as little as 4cfm but even at that your compressor would be going all the time to keep up with any continuous spraying and with such a small tank you won't be able to build up much of any reserve when your not spraying.
That is the down side of the pot/gun set-up when compared to a AAA, it uses a lot more air.
I'm one of the ones who prefers the pot/gun to the pump and I've outfitted myself with a number of set-ups for clears, pigmented and stain but most of my stuff uses at least 10cfm and some 15cfm+. I have a 5 hp, 17cfm, 80 gallon tank Curtis in the shop that powers it all no problem. But you can't haul a 500lb. 3 phase compressor to the job site, so for on site work I use a 4 stage turbine and either a 2 gallon or 2 quart pot for the WB's, I just bring along a little compressor to push the material from the pot to the great.

From contributor je

I have a turbine and a 2quart pot but found it very bulky to get in and around inside cabnets and making sure as to not let the pot fall over.I did make it work but it was very slow and and a pain to deal with. I love my kremlin and and solvent base products,just have to start the re-learn curve with water bourne.

From contributor Bi

I made a simple base to hold my 2 quart pot, a box with a hole to fit the pot screwed to a larger plywood square.

From contributor je

Thanks for the replys. I find that the hose from the pot to the gun is to short-3-4 feet. I have to have one hand holding the pot at all times. Plus the fact of the larger hoses attached to the gun make it much more difficult to twist and turn the gun to spray with.I have also used a gravity feed gone and noticed alot more over spray than the Kremlin. Never used a pot gun before so have comparison. I like the idea of having the paint set in one spot then just move around the site with gun and hose only. I put on a 40 foot hose on my Kremlin so i can set it in the middle of most hall ways and it allows me to spray the kitchen cabnets ,move to the hallway bathroom cabnets then to the master bed room for the ensuite bath room.This works very well with my solvent materials so would like to make water bourne work much the same way.

From contributor ni

I'm guessing you work mostly onsite, so portability is the primary concern. Of course an airless is the ultimate in portability; powerful, light weight, 110 volt powered and one fluid line and 100' of fluid line is no problem so the pump can be a long way from the work...the down side is; if you're not use to the speed problems can arise in a hurry (runs, sags and over-spray).
A turbine unit can slow things down enough and if you have powerful enough unit you can get beautiful results with them but the lines are bulky, they are loud, they get hot and need a break every now and then, they work best with fairly short air lines (I use 25' on mine) so chances are you'll be moving them around but should still be placed as far away from the work as you can so you don't clog up the air filters. I use one (Graco 9000) for on site but onsite work but average only one day a month spraying with it, if I did much more than that I'd be looking for a different set-up.
Both Binks and CAT make portable compressor powered pot/gun set-ups that run off of 110. They look to come complete except for oil/water filters. They are spendy; the CAT system is advertised at $1,700 + (you could get a CAT WB AAA for that) The Cat is heavy at 150lbs. +, Binks says around 70lbs. for theirs. I'm guessing they're loud and they only come with 25' of air/fluid line, so you'd be moving it around a bit. If I sprayed WB's on site a lot I'd consider this as a option.
The last possibility would be a AAA, I've used my 10:1 for WB's in the past and got good results just not as good or as consistently good as the pot/gun. I know CAT has slightly altered their 14:1 to make it more WB friendly. I have yet to use or seen the results of one in use but if it works as advertised; this might be what you're looking for...maybe someone with experience with one will chime in hear.

From contributor je

I have tried spraying trim and door jambs with latex and a airless and found it was not what i wanted to continue useing. I have sprayed hundreds of gallons of latex thinned slightly out of my Kremlin portable outfit with excellent results. I always used a color product so was wandering why there was this micro bubbling in the water bourne products? I haven't sprayed any so was hoping to get some feed back on users experience and suggestions .

From contributor Ri

Why not just use the Kremlin? Switch to an xx-052 waterborne tip and spray away. (put whatever size tip you prefer into the XX, 06 or 09)

From contributor je

I am using a 06-114 so what would be the tip # i would need to order. I would like to continue using the Kremlin set up as long as the water bourne finish works .I have access to MLC products.

From contributor Ri

"I am using a 06-114"
For an extra fine finish tip with the same size fan you would order an 06-112. Your Kremlin dealer should be able to help you.

From contributor je

Thank you everyone for the replys . I will start with a new tip and pick up a gallon of white and a gallon of clear . 99% of my work is refinishing on unknown coatings. I use Vinyl sealer for my base with solvent finish what will i need for water bourne?