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Oak With Birds-eye Patches


From original questioner:

I built a small table years ago using a strange board I found hidden in an old lumber yard shed rafters. It is a species of oak and is curly figured with real bird's eye patches over most of it. These are just like real birds eye maple, with the centers of the eyes a hollow pin hole right through the board. I can not find any source or reference to this kind of wood. Just wondering how rare it really is?

From contributor D

Not sure what area you are in but I have seen Western Black Oak with similar birds eye and grain here in Oregon .

From contributor jo

Thanks. I'm in SW Virginia.

From contributor Ol

Looks like the marks sapsuckers leave. I see that all the time here in NC.

From contributor jo

Are you still out there Dr. Gene? Any insights?

From contributor zd

California Black Oak

here is a link to a veneer form