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Milling Beams


From original questioner:

need feedback on sawing i have a customer that has 125 41/2in by 9in by 16ft beams and needs them milled to 4x8x16 exact i have a woodmixer super hd mill and a 20in extrima plainer can i do this with these machines and not ruin the wood my concern is the wood is so hard i dont want to make woopiedos in it i use 7 degree double hard woodmizer blades thinking 150.00 an hour for job any help app. thanks

From contributor EC

Forget the sawmill.... use the planer... you need them exact....

Hourly rate ??? don't know...

From contributor Ge

The wood is so hard, you have dull planer blades in a few minutes...expensive.

From contributor jo

thanks thats what i thought only using mill to get close to save planer blades going to try one piece and see if its worth it