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Material Ordering On Per Job Basis


From original questioner:

Opinions on ordering hardware on a per job basis rather than stocking (hinges, slides etc) and pulling from inventory? Pros and cons. Distributors are delivering now within a few days and per job makes for easier job accounting. How are you doing it? Thanks

From contributor JM

We dont have a lot of room in our shop, so here is how we do it....and keep in mind, we are across the street from our wholesaler.

Hinges, we stock full box quantities

Sheet goods, we pick up on a per job basis. When we are picking up the sheet goods, we pick up the required qty of drawer slides, and any specialty hardware (lazy susans, spice pullouts, etc).

We do roughly 1 kitchen per week.

From contributor Ev

Our hardware distributor ships next-day as their standard shipping. The quantity savings are minimal so we only order what we need for the next job or two. Right now I'd rather have the cash in my account than extra hinges in the shop.

However we do save some money on plywood by ordering a unit at a time, and it gets used up quickly.

From contributor To

Thanks JM and Evan. That's one thing that most distributors got down is quick turnaround compared to many years ago. I understand the cost adv to unit ordering and good to verify hardware is negligible. Less inventory messing around the better.

From contributor La

Hinges, most commonly used models by the case others by the job. Drawer guides by the job, in full carton quantities. Sheet stock, commonly used (5x8 white melamine and P Bd) by the unit, others by the job. Our suppliers deliver twice a week. We use about 1 1/2 - two units of board a day.

From contributor Sa

It depends. There are goods that you should order on per job basis like huge and expensive ones. For hinges and slides, since they might not require large space, can be stocked at quantities.

From contributor AJ

Order by the job for a couple reasons, I find when ordering in bulk it always seems like you run out of the particular item....Friday afternoon getting ready to ship cabinets for a Saturday morning and you we would inevitably end up short hinges

I get board deliveries each day if needed, when busy I have the supplier ship to me each day what I need for the following day and stacked in the order that I am going to process on the router. For instance on Friday I am cutting a job that needs 3 sheets .75 MDF, 5 sheets .5 pre fin maple and 12 sheets .75 maple...we process in that order, .75 first, then the .5 and then the MDF...that is how it comes to us, stacked in that order so we can pull the forklift up the router and start processing without sorting the sheets

From contributor Mi

I buy my hinges and hardware with the attitude of never paying shipping fees. My minimum is $250.00 per order and that is not hard to reach every 2 weeks. I can do three maybe four average orders, so I batch my orders to get over the minimum. I also don't over buy too much of anything, so that also helps me quickly reach the minimum on my next order. If a shutter order for an entire house comes in, that one job will easily reach minimum. I do run a slim but complete inventory of all items at all times, which enables me to do one or two window orders without the hassle of ordering anything, which saves time.

From contributor To

All great input. Thanks!

From contributor KA

Think of it this way.... the things you use consistently that will save you money on delivery/shipping charges and garner you discounts for ordering in bulk are the thing you should order to keep on hand...

You can also get the discounts from suppliers by order a set amount of product in a specified period of time but have them delivery them as needed...