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Lumber drying and heat sterilization research at the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory

The Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) has a long history of research and technology transfer in lumber drying. Many of the dry kiln schedules used in industry today were developed by the staff of the Laboratory, and for many years the Laboratory conducted a kiln drying short course for training dry kiln operators. The purpose of this report is to describe the Laboratory’s current research activities in lumber drying as well as the more recent issue of heat sterilization. 2002
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Lumber drying and heat sterilization research at the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory   (2002)

The Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) has a long history of research and technology transfer in lumber drying. Many of the dry kiln schedules used in industry today were developed by the staff of the Laboratory, and for many years the Laboratory conducted a kiln drying short course for training dry kiln operators. The purpose of this report is to describe the Laboratory’s current research activities in lumber drying as well as the more recent issue of heat sterilization.

Author: Simpson, William T.

Source: Sustaining natural resources on private lands in the central hardwood region : current topics in the processing and utilization of hardwood lumber. [Memphis, Tenn. : National Hardwood Lumber Association, 2002?]: Pages 73-75

Citation: Simpson, William T.  2002.  Lumber drying and heat sterilization research at the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory  Sustaining natural resources on private lands in the central hardwood region : current topics in the processing and utilization of hardwood lumber. [Memphis, Tenn. : National Hardwood Lumber Association, 2002?]: Pages 73-75.