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Long-term change and spatial pattern in a late-successional hemlock-northern hardwood forest

When unlogged, mesic forest of the Great lakes region of North America are `slow systems` dominant trees can live for over 300 years and canopy-residence times range from 100 to over 200 years (frelich and Lorimer 1991: Frelich and Graumlich 1994: parshall 1995: Dahir and Lorimer 1996: Woods 2000). Catastrophic wind-throw caused by tornadoes and derecho events may be the most important standing-initiating disturbances in mesic stands but return times for such occurrences appear to exceed a millennium (lorimer 1977: Canham and Loucks 1984: Whitney 1990: Seischab and Orwig 19910. It is therefore likely taht prior to the onset of widespread logging, large portions of the landscape were occupied by late-successional forest s in which intense disturbance had not occurred for serveral tree generations. 2000
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Long-term change and spatial pattern in a late-successional hemlock-northern hardwood forest   (2000)

When unlogged, mesic forest of the Great lakes region of North America are `slow systems` dominant trees can live for over 300 years and canopy-residence times range from 100 to over 200 years (frelich and Lorimer 1991: Frelich and Graumlich 1994: parshall 1995: Dahir and Lorimer 1996: Woods 2000). Catastrophic wind-throw caused by tornadoes and derecho events may be the most important standing-initiating disturbances in mesic stands but return times for such occurrences appear to exceed a millennium (lorimer 1977: Canham and Loucks 1984: Whitney 1990: Seischab and Orwig 19910. It is therefore likely taht prior to the onset of widespread logging, large portions of the landscape were occupied by late-successional forest s in which intense disturbance had not occurred for serveral tree generations.

Author: Woods , Kerry D.

Source: Journal of Ecology. Volume 88. 2000. pp. 267-282

Citation: Woods , Kerry D.  2000.  Long-term change and spatial pattern in a late-successional hemlock-northern hardwood forest  Journal of Ecology. Volume 88. 2000. pp. 267-282.