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Lifting Veneer


From original questioner:

We recently subbed out 6 interior passage doors to a local door shop.

2 of 6 arrived with conceiled shipping damage, and now that we are painting the veneer is lifting. These are poplar doors, paint grade. The suppliers response is that "if we had told him the doors were going to be painted he would have used different glue". We are using oil based primer with a spray application. first coat lifted the veneer in several places. We do very little veneering in shop and have always used a dry urea based glue and have never had a problem with any topcoat.

I am about to go to my credit card company and file complaint. Am I missing something here? We are in a high humidity area (as is the supplier) and no one with a brain would put up an unfinished interior door.

From contributor Da

The type of finish used should have no effect on a veneered door. The veneer should be laid down with a glue that resists solvents (lacquers, etc), oils (oil primer, etc) and moisture (latex, waterborne, etc).

No reputable door maker would have exclusions like this, and if they did, their job would have been to make you aware of them before you approved the doors.

My bet is that he has little or no experience in veneering, but I have no guess as to what he used. That would be interesting.

From contributor Jo

Obviously this shouldn't happen, but have you asked what sort of glue they used? I'm wondering if it isn't contact cement.

I don't make doors, so forgive me if this is a dumb question: why would a paint-grade door be veneered?

From contributor Ch

That's a classic !

They don't know what they are doing. The most generous thing I can think of is that they used a contact adhesive, but that just comes back to they don't know what they are doing.

Tell them what you want and have them do it over.