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Kiln drying maple for structural uses

Structural lumber products are traditionally manufactured from softwoods. However, with shrinking supplies of softwood lumber and abundant supplies of hardwood lumber, there is increasing interest in the use of hardwoods for structural applications. One factor that will be important in both the technical and economic feasibility of using hardwoods for structural lumber is drying. This paper presents some results on developing accelerated kiln schedules for drying hard maple 2 by 6s for structural uses. 2002
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Kiln drying maple for structural uses   (2002)

Structural lumber products are traditionally manufactured from softwoods. However, with shrinking supplies of softwood lumber and abundant supplies of hardwood lumber, there is increasing interest in the use of hardwoods for structural applications. One factor that will be important in both the technical and economic feasibility of using hardwoods for structural lumber is drying. This paper presents some results on developing accelerated kiln schedules for drying hard maple 2 by 6s for structural uses.

Author: Wang, Xiping; Simpson, William T.; Brashaw, Brian K.; Ross, Robert J.

Source: Sustaining natural resources on private lands in the central hardwood region : current topics in the processing and utilization of hardwood lumber. [Memphis, Tenn. : National Hardwood Lumber Association, 2002?]: Pages 63-68

Citation: Wang, Xiping; Simpson, William T.; Brashaw, Brian K.; Ross, Robert J.  2002.  Kiln drying maple for structural uses  Sustaining natural resources on private lands in the central hardwood region : current topics in the processing and utilization of hardwood lumber. [Memphis, Tenn. : National Hardwood Lumber Association, 2002?]: Pages 63-68.