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Kiln drying Mexican oak

Mexican oak can be dried using the same schedules as those used by processors in the United States. 1998.

by Professor Gene Wengert

We are a company in Tepic Nayarit Mexico and are requesting information about the kiln drying process for red oak, white oak and pine. We are interested in many aspects of this process such as sawing, predrying, kiln drying etc. Can you help us find out more about the processes mentioned above? We would appretiate it if you would send us all the information that might be important for us to know.

We also have some specific questions:

Can the U.S. kiln drying schedule for hardwood be used for Mexican oak?

What is the appropiate time of predrying of the Mexican oak?

What is the recommended air flow velocity inside the drying kiln for Mexican oak?

P.S. If you have personnel available to give courses on these matters please let us know, we are interested in seminars, courses, equipment expositions and all that is related to the drying of wood.

Mexican oak can be dried using the standard procedures that are used for U.S. oak. You should get a copy of DRYING OAK LUMBER from my office. We have a forestry student who is getting a PhD in lumber drying--the student is from Mexico and would be an ideal contact for you. His name is Alberto Hernandez and you can get mail to him through our office.

We also have various Spanish language drying reports. Mr. Sydney Boone speaks Spanish and is a retired specialist from the U.S. Forest Service. He might be available too. (2409 Ravenswood Drive, Madison, WI 537110)

We have scheduled a basic drying class for the beginner in Memphis, Tennessee in late February. Perhaps someone from your group would like to attend.

Professor Gene Wengert is Extension Specialist in Wood Processing at the Department of Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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