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Ipe's cheap, with good reason

This Asian wood is incredibly durable, but tough to work. June 20, 2000

We are considering buying a container of ipe for decking. The price of 1 x 4 is reasonable, so we are looking at 7,000 board feet (BF). I can't find any info on this species, even in the imported wood purchasing guide. All I know is that it is very hard and usually air dried. Anyone have any input?

Forum Responses
I have seen ipe used on decks. It's very hard and heavy. I believe "Woods of the World" has a very good description of ipe. The species I have used have given off a yellow powder which was toxic.

Indeed, watch the yellow powder for dermatitis. Ipe is hard to work, but is very decay resistant.
Gene Wengert, forum moderator

The comments below were added after this Forum discussion was archived as a Knowledge Base article (add your comment).

Comment from contributor A:
Ipe dust can be irritating, so use a good mask and long sleeved shirt to work.