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Interruptions During Glue-Up

When you notice a problem you need to fix, is it okay to take apart a piece you are in the middle of assembling, clean it up, and then glue it together later? October 15, 2012

Today I was gluing a rabbeted side panel to a dadoed faceplate (using Titebond III) when I noticed a flaw that was causing a separation at one end. I removed the panel and cleaned it and the faceplate with a tootbrush, wet rags, and a 1/4" chisel to get as much glue out as possible. Then I corrected the problem and did a dry run to confirm. My question: will I be able to use the same wood glue (Titebond III) when I attempt again? If not, what are the best options?

Forum Responses
(Cabinetmaking Forum)
From contributor R:
I know of no reason that you should not expect a normal bond in this situation. Yes, to some extend you have sized the grain where you applied glue, but with the efforts to remove the glue prior to hardening, you should have no issues. We have all done this more than once and I for one have never known it to be a concern.

From contributor G:
I've never done it with TB III as I don't use it, but I have done it with TBII and I didn't scrub it off like you did. I just quickly scraped down the joint and cleaned it up with a paper towel. I did my repair and then just glued up as normal. If possible I will always run things through the jointer again to get a clean surface, but in your situation this is not feasible.

From the original questioner:
Thanks very much for this info. I would have continued the glue-up but I wanted to shave down the small burr on the inside corner of the rabbet at one end. By then I felt it was definitely too late and the wood (white oak) was too wet from scrubbing and might dilute the glue.