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Instant Glue for Moulding Miters

Details on ordering and using instant-set adhesive for moulding miters and other handy purposes. March 26, 2009

Does anyone use Fast caps instant epoxy in the field for applied moldings? How does it hold up with prefinished products? Has anyone had them pop off?

Forum Responses
(Architectural Woodworking Forum)
From contributor D:
It’s awesome. Great for crown miters. I use the thick.

From contributor A:
2P10 is actually a CA glue like super glue. It makes strong joints on even endgrain. It dries completely clear so it is great for prefinished millwork. It bonds skin inistantly without the activator. We use it with or without the activator. Thick cures in ten seconds with activator and about two minutes without. We got set up as a FastCap distributor just because we buy so much of this one product. Then we found out all of the other awesome offerings in the FastCap line. They have great tape measures, comfortable dust masks, and a ton of useful one of a kind tools and accessories. If you are in an area that lacks distribution, try to get set up as a distributor. It will save you big money.

From Gary Katz, forum technical advisor:
FastCap sets up "end users" as distributors if they purchase enough materials. It's not that tough to purchase enough materials. The glue is really miraculous. But so are their Power Drive screws for hanging cabinets, and the very cool counter-sink outfit they have for making caps that cover those screw heads. They have a kit you can use that allows you to cut your own caps from any laminate or veneer, and apply their double-sided tape to finish off a counter-sunk screw - ingenious kit. Their Flat Back tape measure is something every cabinet/shop guy should be using. It lays flat on the workpiece so you don't have to curl the tape to get the measurement line against the workpiece.

From contributor G:
It depends on what is considered "enough material". So I guess that "end user" is "using" 3000-4000 1oz. bottles of Super Glue a month?

From Gary Katz, forum technical advisor:
Our crew comes pretty close - 12 guys. But it's not 1 oz little tube of super glue. 2P10 comes in an 8oz bottle of glue, and the activator in a larger aerosol can. You wouldn't have to just buy glue. They have so many products that it wouldn't be too tough for a large cabinet shop to qualify, or for two shops to go in together.

From contributor D:
In our area there are no real dealer networks for any woodworking products. We would have to go three hours to Cincinnati, OH or two plus hours to Louisville, KY to buy any supplies off of a distributor's shelves. We have to stock a large amount of products or we would be mail ordering all the time. We have gotten set up to purchase almost all of our tooling, adhesives, fasteners, and other sundries direct from the manufacturers. It saves us a load of money but we also resell all of the products to several other wood shops in our area. I doubt volume alone will get you distribution if you are in an area that already has a dealer network.

From contributor L:
That 8 oz bottle and spray can are around $75 in my neck of the woods (BC interior). How much are you paying?

From contributor G:
Super Glue (Cyanoacrylate) is not unique to FastCap (that's just the feeling I'm getting around here). I can show you a 1 pound bottle of super glue and equal accelerant for what you're paying for 8 ounce.

From contributor D:
Our cost on the FastCap 2p10 8oz and 12 ounce aerosol activator is around $40.00 total. I have used cheaper products but the bond strength is not good. Wood CA needs to be of a type call "surface insensitive" or not affected by PH.

From Gary Katz, forum technical advisor:
I've also tried three other brands of CA glue and accelerators. Nothing works as well as 2p10. I don't have a clue why. I'd think they'd all be the same, but they're not. $40.00 is about right for both.