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Importing Rough Cut Lumber From Canada


From original questioner:

I'm looking into buying rough cut green 6x6 cedar from Canada as raw material for my business startup and drying it myself. The savings is (potentially) huge. But the import issues are complicated. I have been told by other professionals that up to a certain amount is exempt from duty.

Does anyone import raw material from Canada themselves? Tips, tricks, process, permits, duty, etc.?

I'm investigating this through several routes (including U.S. Customs) but any help would be greatly appreciated. This is a critical part of my business plan development.

From contributor Me

The big issue with raw lumber is insects. Kiln dried/treated is easier to import for sure.

Directly call the border agency with your questions--way easier then hearsay/dealing with questions right at the border with a load. And they are pretty cooperative with preemptive questions.

It's all bureaucratic fun :)

From contributor To

Thanks Mel. Just got some more information on this. Apparently, if I pick up myself, cross the border personally, and the invoice is $2000CDN or less, there is no import duty. This was confirmed by two sawmills. Still waiting for customs response. The bureaucracy is worth it - the savings is over 60 percent.

From contributor Je

Check into this, but I believe Cedar may be included in the Softwood Lumber Agreement....

From contributor Me

Wow, 60% is indeed massive. Not being afraid of bureaucracy always pays off.

Sometimes people up here complain that we give raw resources away, but then check out the population density maps of Canada--most of the places without red dots has oil, mines, trees, or of course, above average wretched coldness/nothingness.

From contributor To

Yep, it is under the Softwood Agreement with Canada, with something like a 35 percent duty except for this one and only loophole. So it looks like with the exchange rate I can get 1000 bd. ft. for $1.66 a bd. ft. versus $5.00 to $6.00. Worth the drive. Maybe I should be more quiet about this ...;))

From contributor Me

We have plenty of cedar to go around!

So did i get this right-- you want to cowboy it up here in a truck and come back with the loot on your own? I like your style :)

From contributor To

Saddle up!

From contributor Me

It is a very difficult thing to be as curious as I am... I'm kinda dying to know what the heck you are up to. If you can't say, I'll have to live with it... poorly :)

From contributor Pi

Tom, Are you using this for personal use, resale ,business use, etc.Those rules maybe for personal use not business.Be careful those fines that you can get could be nasty. A buddy of mine got caught last year for bringing fire wood across state lines with a dump truck load and lost the truck and a 3000.00 fine. So check it out before it turn into a nightmare. Check with the officials not the sawmill as the officials will be the ones fining you.

From contributor To

Pinetree ... Personal use of course! Seriously though, good advice and cautionary tale. I've got a question into Customs. Should get an answer within a month, maybe.