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How To Check For Squareness On A Panel Saw


From original questioner:

Guys, i got a holzher1265 panelsaw and was wondering how to check it for 100% squareness ? I saw a video from Laguana toole once on how to use a panel you cut and use it to check for squareness against itself, but cant find video on web or another video on subject as a matter of fact. THANKS !

From contributor Ma


You may find these troubleshooting documents helpful. Of course, you will have to make adjustments for the Holz-Her saw.


From contributor Ch

I think your referring to what is called a 5 cut. Take a large panel and trim 1/4" of each edge being careful to rotate each cut edge onto rollers for next cut (rotate clockwise cutting each edge). By rotating using this method you keep making 90 degree cuts to the base rollers. Once all 4 edges are cut rotate panel again and again cut 1/4" off edge that was cut first giving you a strip. Take the strip and snap it in half. Take both factory ends and lay them end for end on a nice flat table surface. They should be exactly "flush" with each other. I suggest you mark the top "edge" before you cut so you can keep track of which end is which. This will tell you which way top roller adjustment should move.

From contributor PW add to Chris' excellent description, you can alternatively mic each end of that cutoff stick, instead of breaking it in half.

From contributor Do

Now that I read your comment that is how I remember them showing how to do it . Just bought Edgebander going to set it up and wanted to make sure my panels were 100% Square

From contributor Ke

Don't neglect checking for square between the panel face and edge too, as that will affect the edgebander glueline. You can use a precise square on the edge of a thick panel, or cut two pieces, flip one over and put the cut edges together to check it out. Any gap will be twice the angular error in the cut.

From contributor Do

Very true , if edge is not perfectly square the pressure from bander will chip the melamine on one edge .