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Hot Melt Glue Granules For Automatic Edgebander


From original questioner:

I've used Canplast natural #2031 for several years. Price from distributor is $161 plus shipping. I can get Jowatherm for $100 in natural from local supplier. Any differences? Can I add new brand to
existing brand? From spec sheet temperature needed looks to be the same.

From contributor La

We use Jowatherm for our contour banding, works fine. If both are EVA's I suspect they could be mixed, but I'd run the pot down as low as I could first. Ask Jowat.

From contributor Jo

You can also at the end of the day. Place some sticks in your glue pot and let it sit overnight. In the morning start your heat on the bander. Check it and the sides will get loose first. You can then pull on the sticks and remove the glue before it all melts. You will be able to remove majority of the glue and then can switch over to the new glue. This will reduce the amount of mixing if it is a concern.

Johann Huck
The Machine Warehouse, LLC.