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Home wreckers in search of moisture

Research at the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) related to durability and disaster mitigation includes damage by decay fungi and termites and contamination by mold fungi. All these household pests are attracted to excess moisture, which can result from inadequate surface drying of condensation, leaks in pipes and foundations, poor ventila-tion, or flooding. Homeowners are increasingly concerned about moisture management and indoor air quality (IAQ). However, chronic moisture problems in a home can lead to more than poor IAQ—persistent high moisture can lead to a cascading biological succession from mold to decay to termite damage. 2002
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Home wreckers in search of moisture   (2002)

Research at the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) related to durability and disaster mitigation includes damage by decay fungi and termites and contamination by mold fungi. All these household pests are attracted to excess moisture, which can result from inadequate surface drying of condensation, leaks in pipes and foundations, poor ventila-tion, or flooding. Homeowners are increasingly concerned about moisture management and indoor air quality (IAQ). However, chronic moisture problems in a home can lead to more than poor IAQ—persistent high moisture can lead to a cascading biological succession from mold to decay to termite damage.

Author: Clausen, Carol A.; Green, Frederick

Source: Techline FPL-II-5. [Madison, Wis.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 2002: 2 pages

Citation: Clausen, Carol A.; Green, Frederick  2002.  Home wreckers in search of moisture  Techline FPL-II-5. [Madison, Wis.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 2002: 2 pages .