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Height-Diameter Equations for Thirteen Midwestern Bottomland Hardwood Species

Height-diameter equations are often used to predict the mean total tree height for trees when only diameter at breast height (dbh) is measured. Measuring dbh is much easier and is subject to less measurement error than total tree height. However, predicted heights only reflect the average height for trees of a particular diameter. In this study, we present a set of height-diameter equations for 13 riparian tree species using data obtained from bottomland hardwood forests along the Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, and Des Moines rivers. Nonlinear regression techniques were used to develop the equations. The resulting equations provide a reasonable means of predicting unknown tree heights, given dbh, for these species. 2002
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Height-Diameter Equations for Thirteen Midwestern Bottomland Hardwood Species   (2002)

Height-diameter equations are often used to predict the mean total tree height for trees when only diameter at breast height (dbh) is measured. Measuring dbh is much easier and is subject to less measurement error than total tree height. However, predicted heights only reflect the average height for trees of a particular diameter. In this study, we present a set of height-diameter equations for 13 riparian tree species using data obtained from bottomland hardwood forests along the Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, and Des Moines rivers. Nonlinear regression techniques were used to develop the equations. The resulting equations provide a reasonable means of predicting unknown tree heights, given dbh, for these species.

Author: Colbert, Kenneth A.; Larsen, David R.; Lootens, James R.

Source: Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 19(4): 171-176.

Citation: Colbert, Kenneth A.; Larsen, David R.; Lootens, James R.  2002.  Height-Diameter Equations for Thirteen Midwestern Bottomland Hardwood Species  Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 19(4): 171-176..