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Heavy Build Epoxy Finish with Flat Sheen

Methods for getting a flat sheen on a bar top. June 4, 2012

We're doing a bar for a customer who wants the poured on epoxy look on the top, but wants it dull, not glossy. Anyone have experience with this?

Forum Responses
(Finishing Forum)
From contributor T:
We used to do a lot of tables for a fast food chain here in SoCal. The best way to get a satin finish is to pour it and let it cure, then with a fine scotch bright pad and some water, scuff it. It takes time to get it nice. The Envirotex web site has directions for a satin finish.

From contributor A:
You might try calling the System3 guys about their Mirror Coat. I've used both Enviro and System3 and prefer the latter. The techs might have an educated suggestion for you.

From contributor S:
I am a foreman at a custom finish shop that handles serious clients and do this finish all the time. The easiest way to do this is to full fill the wood with polyester resin. Spray, do not pour. Spray 4 coats polyester, sand with 150 the next day, then build again with poly until the wood is flat like glass. Wait 2 days for poly to fully cure. Sand the poly flat with 220, then follow after with 400, then 500 grit. Then take satin pre-cat lacquer, thin 30 percent with lacquer thinner, and spray a tack coat, followed by a solid double pass. You will end up with a full fill, super durable finish envied by all at satin sheen. Just be sure you have a dust free environment or you will have serious problems with dust landing in your finish. Spray vertically if at all possible!