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Hardwood Utilization Book Review

"The Management, Manufacture and Marketing of California Black Oak, Pacific Madrone and Tanoak" covers the various aspects encountered by the forester, the logger, the sawmill manager, the marketing people, and the business owner - 1998

For 30 years, the author, Guy H. Hall, Cal Oak Products, has worked with the three principal dense hardwoods of California and Southern Oregon. He dedicated himself to a total understanding of these hardwoods through research and practical application.

Now his 250 page hard-cover book The Management, Manufacture and Marketing of California Black Oak, Pacific Madrone and Tanoak is available.

It covers the various aspects encountered by the forester, the logger, the sawmill manager, the marketing people, and the business owner. The following is a list of chapters:

  • Introduction – The handbook’s approach based on experience

  • The Trees – Commercial perspective and resource sustainability

  • Merchantibility – Forest, tree and log merchantibility

  • Timber supply, procurement and harvest planning and supply

  • Forest practices and timber harvesting

  • Hardwood – Lumber yield and grades

  • Mill Production – Lumber

  • Veneers production – Sliced and rotary, veneer logs

  • Research and Development – Sawmill studies

  • Seasoning – Drying methods, Cal Oak’s experience, and more

  • Physical properties – Special characteristics of woods

  • Residues – as secondary products

  • Re-manufacturing – Finished lumber and value added products

  • Marketing – History, properties affecting sales, and more

  • Business policy and management, and THE BOTTOM LINE

Many, if not most, of the concepts presented can be applied to other dense hardwoods of the Pacific Northwest. It is written in a very informal and understandable style and can be ordered from the Western Hardwood Association, PO Box 1095, Camas WA 98607l (360)834-5202, fax (360)834-0332; cost is $55.00 ($50.00 plus $5 for postage and handling). West Hardwood Association will refund your $50.00 if you are not satisfied.

This announcement is from the Wood E-Bulletin, an electronic newsletter published at Oregon State University. The most current version can be viewed at
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