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Hanging Panels with Z Clips on a Crooked Wall

Nice step-by-step game plan for hanging wall panels with Z clips onto a furred-out metal stud wall (some straightening required). January 2, 2012

I have a project where the customer wants to hang cherry panels down a hallway that has a couple of doors in it with an eight foot ceiling. Right now it is down to the metal studs with about five runs of 1x4 run down it horizontally. The wall is nowhere close to straight. I have a 1/2" reveal at the top so I'm thinking I should be able to hang these things on zee clips.

The problem is I have never used them. What is the sequence of steps that need to happen here? Does anyone have a drawing they have done on the layout of the clips in relation to the panels? The 7' doors are going to be on pivots. Seems like I saw a drawing a while back that someone posted showing the treatment in an elevator lobby.

Forum Responses
(Cabinet and Millwork Installation Forum)
From contributor D:
I'll assume the shop drawings are exact.

1. Study the shop drawings.

2. Block as planned. With an 8' level and crowbar and shims, shim the 1x4 horizontal cleats into co-planar position making sure they are positioned as per the shop drawings, making adjustments if they are not.

3. Study the shop drawings some more, there may be special features, articulation, quirks, and trim co-ordination very easy to overlook.

4. Snap level horizontal control lines across the cleats, where you’re placing "Z" Clips. Likewise vertically.

5. Study how the "Z" Clips lock into each other, measure the offset (for locating the screws properly); the 1/2" reveal should barely be enough to allow lift-in and lift-out. Check and make sure it’s enough.

6. Locate the clips using the Cartesian co-ordinate system theory, compensating for the male/female fit. There is some horizontal forgiveness, but very little vertically.

7. Screw the "Z" Clips onto the panels and cleats.

8. Lift the panels into position, adjust horizontally.