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HUD Severe Use


From original questioner:

I have a request from a contractor for HUD severe use cabinets. It seems as if the specification requirements are pretty straight forward, but certification is required.

Does anyone have any experience with the certification process and willing to share?

Otherwise, is there anyone who is certified in the New Jersey area that would like a referral?

From contributor ja

What Certification does he want ? AWIQCP, Leed, Carb Fsc ?

From contributor Mi

Right, "what certification?" should be my question.

I was hoping that somebody here, with experience in fabricating cabinets for HUD severe use, might help clarify.

From contributor ja

Micheal, not trying to be a SA, I have done extensive Gov't spec work, this should be well spelled out in the 06400 or div 12 specs if they treat it like furniture or specialties. if I had the job number and arch name I could get them in a few minutes. as far as "Severe Use" that could be Cabs of PVC, Steel, Exteria, and a host of materials, hinges could be Rockford process vs Euro and I have even seen them ask for though bolting and thread lock, anyone who has done a prison or Jail control cabinetry.. I would ask for the specifications for the job. the info you seek is there and remember "Specs trump plans"

From contributor ja

Maybe this is more helpful,, looks like a AWI QCP Certification to me

From contributor Mi

Thanks, James. I'm beginning to get it now. The link you provided was helpful. I'll read it more completely this evening.