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Grain Filling for Mahogany

Two choices: grain filler, or high-solids poly. February 12, 2010

I'm looking to build a mahogany kitchen. My customer would like a sample of filled grain and stained, and just stained with pre-cat lacquer. It's been a while on the filling of the pores. Any suggestions?

Forum Responses
(Finishing Forum)
From contributor J:
There are two approaches to filling the grain:

1. Old school: Use a paste wood filler. Trowel it on across the grain and remove with some burlap after it dries.

2. New school: Fill with finish using a high solids 2k urethane or polyester designed for high mil thickness applications.

Basically hose it on and sand it back down aggressively. Using multiple coats, achieve the fill desired.

From the original questioner:
Thanks. Do you have any thoughts on the ML Campbell spray grade?

From contributor J:
I'm not familiar with that product. I pretty much swore off ML Campbell after I got burned by Magnalac.

From contributor B:
If you are going with ML Campbell, they have a product called Level Sealer that is very high solids and can be applied at 12 mils wet, so you could easily fill in the grain with probably two coats with a good amount of sanding in between. Then you can topcoat with whatever you want. I use Krystal conversion varnish over top of it, though. Or if you'd rather go with urethane, MLC also has a good 2k urethane. I've only used it once before, but had good results.