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Good Books about Historic Windows

Trying to learn some architectural woodworking history about windows? Here's a short list of valuable reference books. April 21, 2011

I’m looking for some books on windows. Not necessarily “how to” books but more along the lines of what was done historically and when. I have Historic Millwork by Brent Hull - any other suggestions?

Forum Responses
(Architectural Woodworking Forum)
From contributor F:
Architectural Treasures of Early America series is an excellent source for what you want.

From contributor B:
Pete, Elements of Style, A Practical Encyclopedia of Interior Architectural Details from 1485 to the Present (Hardcover) by Stephen Calloway (Author) I’ve found was a great resource for styles of doors, windows, etc.

From contributor A:
I work in a city historic preservation office. Two solid window books in our library are:

Repairing Old and Historic Windows: A Manual for Architects and Homeowners by the New York Landmarks Conservancy, 1992. It has a good history of window technology and use.

Working Windows, 3rd: A Guide to the Repair and Restoration of Wood Windows by Terry Meany, 2008 is also a regular resource.