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Gluing Wenge


From original questioner:

Does anyone have advice on glueing wenge it seems oily like teak. When we work with teak we use 2 part epoxy and clean freshly joined edges with denatured alchol

From contributor Ke

Never had a problem gluing with any type of glue. The lighter bands probably absorb the glue better than the dense black part.

From contributor Ge

It will not hurt to use alcohol to clean the surface, but I could not find any reports indicating that such cleaning was essential. Your results would be appreciated.

From contributor Al

Most of the wenge I've glued has held together well. That said, I believe Titebond III will do better than 2 part epoxy. I have had one or two glue joints come apart with 2 part epoxy.

From contributor Ge

Allan, Epoxy must have a thick joint. Perhaps there was too much pressure and so the joint was too thin.

From contributor ga

This was for a top that is 18 x 230 I ended up shiplaping my the ends seams and used 2 part expoxy for those and the long seams I use gorilla glue seamed to work well time will tell Thanks again!!

From contributor Al

I believe you are right. I was using Geugeon brothers boatbuilders epoxy, which is great for filling defects and woods with open pores. When Titebond III came along I stopped using 2 part epoxy as an adhesive on difficult woods.

From contributor st

I use hot hide for gluing wenge veneer and have not experienced any problem