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Gluing Masonite To Particle Board


From original questioner:

What is the best adhesive for gluing Masonite to particle board?

From contributor Ke

It doesn't matter how good the glue is, other than a few things like contact cement, the glue will all be better than the internal strength of the masonite.

I'm sure you will get a better answer, if you explained your application.

From contributor Ge

The heat used when manufacturing high density hardboard makes the surface unattractive for gluing with most common woodworking adhesives. Scuffing the surface will help a bit, but as mentioned the internal bond is not real high plus the surface fibers may not be well fasten to the core. How much bond strength do you need?

From contributor Dr

I don't need a whole lot, just keep it in place. It'll be stapled as well.

From contributor Ge

I am tempted to think that a construction adhesive might work in your case. Not positive, so test it out.

From contributor Dr


From contributor Wi

Yellow Glue or any PVA Will work just fine.
First scuff if up then tack of dust

From contributor Ge

A lot of particleboard has wax added when gluing. This provides a bit of moisture stability for the product, but lowers the glue-ability. It is critical to remove this outer layer by light sanding.

This is in addition to scuffing the Masonite.

From contributor Ba

I have always found the Liquid Nails Construction Adhesive to be the best. All of them are good.