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From original questioner:

We use quite a few Festool tools and replace quite a few cords. Our rep has told us that the tools that get used most often can easily be refitted with permanent cords. If that is the case, why are we unplugging the cords from the tools when we rebox them? It seems a disconnect like Festool uses is always going to be a weak link. Does anyone have a hack for this or an opinion? We currently plan to discontinue the use of disconnects.

From contributor Jo

I have had a lot of festool equipment for about 10 yrs. My 150 sander was used a lot and I would switch around the cords out of convenience. When I had to replace the female end on the sander several times while under warranty and get new cords, the service rep suggested I convert it to a permanent plug. Haven't had a problem since. I now just keep the plugs in the tools when I can, and it has reduced the wear. If you switch to the permanent plug, It does get in the way on some tools when you store them in their boxes.

Better than replacing them once the warranty is over.

From contributor Da

The 150 is the one we have had the most issue with, too. Thanks.

From contributor Da

All my Festool sanders are in the shop, and do not travel, so I do not use the boxes. Mine are old enough that the cords are not removable. If they were, I would convert them since they are all plugged in, ready to use anytime.

Removing a cord to put a tool in a box is sort of like removing the wheels from your car when you park it. Just put them back on whenever you want to go anywhere.

If I had to take my sander out of a box and then plug it in - twice - to use the tool, it would never get used.

From contributor ma

...hmmm. I had a cord arc at the disconnect and fry a 125 under normal tabletop use! They get spotty. I've tried disassembling the cord and the sanders to search for a remedy without luck. The plug-in to the dust collectors get mighty weak as well. Festool likes to call these things "wear parts". It's crap like this that keeps Festool in the hobbyist tool category for me, spendy ticket notwithstanding. That, and hook and loop pads that can't make it through a summer month's work...

From contributor Da

I have two 150 sanders plugged into vacuums. You are right, the plug into the vacuum is weak and has been replaced on both. I have sent the sanders in for other repairs 3 times. Twice was under warranty, and the third time was under $120 for a near rebuild. They say they will continue to service them as long as there are parts, and I should be able to go at least several more years from what they see. It is good that don't sunset their tools after a few years like so many do.

Now, I have all this Porter Cable and Delta stuff, with no parts in sight, so where does one go?

From contributor Jo

I got tired of buying those $40 cords for my 150 and wired it in direct myself. Its pretty ugly but works. Do they actually make a retrofit to properly wire a cord direct? I asked my local guy a year ago and he said no.
I would convert all mine if they had this.

And the pad… We pull out the old air Dynabrade when we have to get aggressive with the pad. The Festo will not take any abuse but like it for the dustless sanding.

From contributor Da

Joe, there is kit to hardwire a new cord. You also have to buy the new cord, but it is simple and clean. We use an intermediate pad between the stock hook and loop pad and the paper. It is cheaper than the pad to replace and lasts longer. The only downside is that it makes for a softer pad. We like the abranet mesh paper and the loops stick right through the pad if you don't use the intermediate pad. The mesh cuts so fast and clean that the soft pad doesn't usually hurt.

From contributor Jo

Now it was a long time ago when I hard wire my 150 while it was still under warranty, but Festool sent me the kit and several special compression clips so I could use the old cord after I cut the end off. I guess if your paying for it they do not mention these clips and get you for the price of a cord.

From contributor Ma

Personally, I like just having one cord plugged into the CT vac, and use it for every festool.I find having alot of tools laying around with cords hanging off them causes them to make more clutter and possibly they fall to the ground from getting yanked on.I try to keep tools put away when not in use, but some tasks just require several tools to be used at once.

From contributor Jo

For installation work, I really like the modular plug.

If you really want to tether the cord to tool, though, have you considered a little bit of heat shrink tubing over the joint?

From contributor Jo

Thanks for the info. I will contact Festool about these replacement cords. For sure some apps where the detachable cord is better.
I think in Europe they offer replacement ends for the cords. Would be nice if they get that for US wiring.