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Felling and bunching small timber on steep slopes.

Discusses the results of a field test of the unique Menzi Muck machine for felling and bunching small trees on steep slopes. Includes the analysis of a detailed time study to determine the productivity, costs, and economic feasibility of this unusual machine. 1981
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Felling and bunching small timber on steep slopes.   (1981)

Discusses the results of a field test of the unique Menzi Muck machine for felling and bunching small trees on steep slopes. Includes the analysis of a detailed time study to determine the productivity, costs, and economic feasibility of this unusual machine.

Author: Arola, Rodger A.; Miyata, Edwin S.; Sturos, John A.; Steinhilb, Helmuth M.

Source: Research Paper NC-203. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station

Citation: Arola, Rodger A.; Miyata, Edwin S.; Sturos, John A.; Steinhilb, Helmuth M.  1981.  Felling and bunching small timber on steep slopes.  Research Paper NC-203. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station.