Extension Table Advice
Tips on setting up and using an Aigner adjustable extension table with multiple machines. April 2, 2015
Things have been very busy for me this year, so much so I'm looking into ways to improve some of my milling operations. Currently I have shop made extension tables for my shaper and my jointer which both work really well when I have to run long stock. However being in a tight shop they're somewhat cumbersome, and when not in use need to be stored. Also the tables I made are not very adjustable, at least not enough to make up the difference in heights between machines. I'm now looking to make up yet another set to mount to my bandsaw to re-saw some veneers for an upcoming door project. So my question is are any of you using the Aigner extension tables? It seems like a great way to have one set of tables that can be quickly moved between machines. I'd like to hear feedback before shelling out that kind of cash! Alternatively, has anyone found anything better/different/close enough for less money than the Aigner that I should look into?
Forum Responses
(Solid Wood Machining Forum)
From contributor R:
I have two that I use with my shaper. They hang on the wall when not in use. I also have the attachment that allows them to join together for an extra-long extension. I use them both infeed and outfeed as well as perpendicular for large material support. Like most Aigner stuff it works as promised. You won't regret your purchase.
From contributor J:
I use the Felder extension tables. They are quite similar but the Aigner tables, especially the bolt on extensions, are heavier duty. Aigner and Felder use a similar f-rail connection except that the Felder f-rail is shallower than the Aigner f-rail. Aigner accessories can be modified to work with Felder f-rails by trimming the hook a little. Felder f-rails work directly with Aigner as they just don't go in as far. One thing to watch for if you want to use the extension tables on different machines is that you mount the Aigner mounting rails carefully so that from machine to machine the extension tables reference the same way. You can make a jig to mark the holes when you drill them to get it right. I use the long extensions with a leg on the outfeed of the shaper and my bandsaw. I would like to use the extension table on the outfeed of my jointer but have not yet mounted an f-rail to the outfeed table. If you download the Aigner catalog from the Martin website it shows lots of set up possibilities and it also shows Aigner accessories that work with the extension tables such as stops and circle cutting devices.
From contributor J:
We have a couple Aigner tables that have been in use for over ten years. They work great and pretty much live on the shaper and four sider. We have the brackets on almost every machine in the shop. Our shop space is limited and for working oversize parts these are a good solution.

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From the original questioner:
I'd been looking at the Simantec site, (which is what comes up when you google Aigner tables) and had seen a lot of the devices, but not in use. Some of that stuff is really very cool! Especially seeing how some of their other devices work with their tables makes me think it's a good investment!
From contributor X:
Martin USA also sells Aigner products. That is where I got mine when I bought my shaper. I am not sure how their prices compare to Simitech but it wouldn't hurt to check.
From the original questioner:
I asked for quotes from both companies yesterday. I've dealt with Martin before. I received a bit of a discount on the tables, (though they're still expensive!), and hopefully I'll have them by the end of the week. It’s probably the most I've spent on "accessories" for a machine, but if they're as good as claimed they should be a great benefit to the way I work!
From contributor X:
Here is mine. I put a 530mm bracket on the left and right side of the shaper so I can switch back and forth depending which way I need to run the stock through.

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From the original questioner:
That's a nice toy Contributor X! Tables arrived yesterday so hopefully I'll have time at the end of the day to install! I have to say so far I’m impressed as I was concerned they'd be kind of light weight. They seem pretty stout though and seem to be exactly what I need!