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Excess chips in filter bags

Why are so many chips collecting in the filter bags? March 16, 2001

I currently use a 15hp Torit cyclone system with a bag system for recycling air (8-14 x 96 bags.) I have a problem with excessive chip collection in the filter bags. What could be wrong?

Forum Responses
Make sure you have a good seal on the bottom of your cyclone. If it is not sealed, instead of separating chips it will simply form a vacuum and all your chips will end up in the filters.

The Torit Cyclone arrangement operates so that the fan unit pulls air into the cyclone inlet. The particle-laden air then circulates inside the cone against the walls. The larger particles drop into a container below, which has to be a dead air space. The fine dust is pulled up through the center of the cone, into the fan and relayed to the filter bags. If the storage container or connection has even a slight leak, the larger particles will not drop out.

If you can not visibly detect a leak, you can test the container and connection with powder. If you see the powder being sucked in, you have a leak. Also, if someone accidentally dents the cyclone, the dent will disrupt the cyclonic action.

Curt Corum, forum technical advisor

The comments below were added after this Forum discussion was archived as a Knowledge Base article (add your comment).

Comment from contributor A:
These cyclone systems are very sensitive creatures. If the CFM is not figured correctly for the system, it could also be the cause for a malfunction, or large chunks in the bags.