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Eucalyptus for furnituremaking

A primer on this native Australian lumber. June 14, 2000

I'd like some information regarding the use of eucalyptus in furnituremaking.

Eucalyptus is not a species, but a group of 20 or more commercially important species. Properties vary, so I would need a more specific name in order to provide you with properties for a particular species.

In general, however, eucalyptus is a very good wood and is used for construction, fine furniture and everything in between. It is common to have internal stresses in the wood (growth stresses, not drying stresses). Accommodating these stresses can require extra effort compared to most North American hardwood species. Some eucalyptus species are quite dense, and require special care when machining. Often the grain is too fine to easily determine if the wood is flatsawn or quartersawn.
Gene Wengert, forum moderator

I am from Australia and I am curious about the species of eucalyptus common to the USA. Which species are common for milling and furniture?

I suspect that the species common to your area may have different growing patterns and would need different drying and processing operations.

We have no native or imported eucalyptus tree species in the US in significant commercial quantities. Most comes from Australia, and is marketed as Jarrah. I have seen some from South Africa, too.

From the original questioner:
Gene, sorry it took so long to get back to you with the species name. It's eucalyptus delegatensis (Australian). What can you tell me?

I do not know this species; contact a drying expert in Australia.


The comments below were added after this Forum discussion was archived as a Knowledge Base article (add your comment).

Regarding Euc. Delegatensis: It is a tall timber tree with hard heavy pinkish or light brown wood. Also known as alpine ash or mountain oak. Is grown in wetter, cold climates. I come from the tropics so I haven't heard of its uses.