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Employee Upward Mobility

Hired as a CAD draftsman, a worker finds himself handling much more, and more varied, responsibilities. Now he's wondering how he can upgrade his job title and pay accordingly. November 10, 2005

About 9 months ago I was employed as an autocad draftsman in a high end architectural cabinet and millwork shop. Now I take field dimensions, do drawings and take offs, order material, coordinate outsourcing, order shop supplies, answer the phone, deal exclusively with clients, meetings at project sites, at some points manage guys in the shop, make finish samples for clients/designers, price and order stock cabinets, and when I have a minute I'll even go into the shop and man a bench. By the way I don't own this company. There is a boss and there is a shop foreman. How do you think I should approach this situation? I'm good at what I do, so do I say no more - just autocad - or do I request the job title that corresponds to a higher wage?

Forum Responses
(Business Forum)
From contributor A:
The actual job titles are just words. Plenty of people have job titles and get no additional pay for them. What you do is what’s important. How many people work in this cabinet shop? What do you get paid now compared to others? You may feel you’re doing more than you expected but the owner may feel you’re doing what he's paying you to do.
How do you find the time to do all of your drafting if you have time to do all these other things? I’m asking lots of questions, I know. But if you had enough CAD to keep you busy all day, you wouldn't have time for anything else. And with that the boss would not have you doing other things. If you want a raise keep working like you have been and on your one year anniversary you’re likely to get one. It might not be what you want to hear, but bosses generally don't give jobs to people who can't do them. Obviously your boss has faith in you. Your title could be something such as assistant facility manager, or business manager. Pick anything, but just don't pick yourself out of a job. In my opinion, after working there only 9 months, you’re in no position to make waves.

From contributor B:
Is autocad all you want to do? Personally, I like a variety of tasks. It keeps things interesting, and gets me out of the shop. If the hours are OK it sounds like a good experience. Your title should be Project Manager/Detailer. That's not too unusual, but if both jobs are a full workload for one man each, you need a raise indeed.

From contributor C:
My vote is for project manager. Just a hint, before you present your boss with a problem with on a project, have a list of ideas what to do about it as well. Think them through and don't fall in love with any of them, but do your best, whatever the case. That's what brings in the money.

From contributor D:
Outside of the bench work, this sounds like a normal project manager job to me. I would find out what the going rate and work load is for a project manager in your area and see if your pay and work load are commensurate. AWI or WI are good resources for this.