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EMC/RH ratios

Here's a listing of equilibrium moisture content to relative humidity ratios. July 11, 2000

Can you post the equation or table that gives the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) for differing relative humidities (RH)? i.e., 10 percent RH = x EMC, 20 percent RH= y EMC, etc.

0% RH = 0% EMC
19 to 25% RH = 5% EMC
25 to 32% RH = 6% EMC
32 to 39% RH = 7% EMC
39 to 46% RH = 8% EMC
46 to 52% RH = 9% EMC
57% RH = 10% EMC
65% RH = 12% EMC
74% RH = 14% EMC
80% RH = 16% EMC

91% RH = 21% EMC

The short form is:
0 = 0
30 = 6
50 = 9
65 = 12
80 = 16

Also, an approximate equation good out to about 80 percent RH is: EMC = 0.2 x RH
Gene Wengert, forum moderator