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Dynamics of forest herbivory: quest for pattern and principle.

Herbivory on woody plants is highly variable in both space and time. This proceedings addresses one of its root causes, the highly intricate and dynamic relationships that exist between most herbivores and their host plants. It emphasizes that the consequences of herbivory both to the consumer and to the producer plant often balance on a razor`s edge--depending on the exact timing of herbivore attacks, and the specific plant tissues being injured. Herbivory also varies substantially among individual plants in relationship to the inherent resistance/susceptibility of individual plants--which itself heavily depends on the particular physical and biotic (community, ecosystem, landscape) environmental matrix in which the plant grows. No two plant-herbivore systems are exactly alike, and hence generalities are difficult to establish. 1996
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Dynamics of forest herbivory: quest for pattern and principle.   (1996)

Herbivory on woody plants is highly variable in both space and time. This proceedings addresses one of its root causes, the highly intricate and dynamic relationships that exist between most herbivores and their host plants. It emphasizes that the consequences of herbivory both to the consumer and to the producer plant often balance on a razor`s edge--depending on the exact timing of herbivore attacks, and the specific plant tissues being injured. Herbivory also varies substantially among individual plants in relationship to the inherent resistance/susceptibility of individual plants--which itself heavily depends on the particular physical and biotic (community, ecosystem, landscape) environmental matrix in which the plant grows. No two plant-herbivore systems are exactly alike, and hence generalities are difficult to establish.

Author: Mattson, William J.; Niemila, Pekka; Rossi, Matti

Source: General Technical Report NC-183. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station

Citation: Mattson, William J.; Niemila, Pekka; Rossi, Matti  1996.  Dynamics of forest herbivory: quest for pattern and principle.  General Technical Report NC-183. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station.